AktHIV.de e.V.

Independent HIV-Positive Network Germany



Our evening events  

at the 25th International AIDS Conference

AktHIV.de e.V. presents this event of the local HIV network of Munich Positives in cooperation with the Open Studio of the Bavarian Aids Foundation:

Monday 15th July 20:00 pm

exhibition opening @ sub

The everyday in/visibility

Responses to the Munich AIDS Memorial

Location: SUB - Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum München e.v., Müllerstrasse 14, München

AktHIV.de e.V. presents this events in cooperation with our local HIV-Network "Münchner Positive".

Friday 19th July 19:00 pm

Positive Bar @ Sub

We start with a meet and greet at the beginning of AIDS2024.

For more than 10 years, HIV-positive people have been showing their faces behind the bar counter at SUB, Munich's gay communication and cultural center.  Every 3. Friday / Month organized by the local HIV-Network "Münchner Positive"  This mission is unique in Europe. What was viewed skeptically at the beginning developed into a real classic in the SUB. The topic of HIV has found a permanent place at the center of the Munich scene and the visibility of HIV-positive people is actively breaking down prejudices. In addition, our volunteers are well informed and approachable on the subject of HIV and living with HIV.

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Monday 22nd July 19:00 pm

AktHIV.de Worldclub @ Sub

On this evening, the members of AktHIV.de e.V. will be behind the bar at SUB to spend a wonderful evening with you. AktHIV.de e.V. is our national network of local HIV self-help groups and activists. We look forward to welcoming many local and international guests to the World AIDS Conference and want to celebrate the AktHIV.de World Club with you. There is a lot of room for exciting guests from all over the world, interesting discussions and the expansion of your network.  Welcome to Munich!

Tuesday 23rd July 19:00 pm


Bavarian Hospitality at its best

At this Evening we will meet at a very typical place for a Bavarian in the summer time. Let's connect to each other.


Munich's Hirschgarten is The largest traditional Beergarden in the world! The Bavarian Law allow it to bring your own Food but its also possible to buy something traditional Food on this place.  You  just have to pay for your Beer.


The Beergarden is really huge but you will recognize us by the orange tablecloths. Let's celebrate the Evening together. You will find this Beergarden near the S-Bahn Station "Hirschgarten"

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Wednesday 24th July 2024 20:00 pm

Farewell & Goodbye @ NEUHAUS am Gärtnerplatz

At the end of the day we meet in the heart of the old town in a restaurant with the best pizza of the city.

Together we want to enjoy the evening, look back at the conference and make contacts for the future. C u there!

The Timetable for the German Networking Zone at the Global Village for Download:

AIDS2024 Timetable ENGLISCH .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.1 MB